Features of DT SYSTEMS H2O ADDON Receiver Collar
- H20 1810 and 1820 ADD ON Collar units
- Easily programmable to existing H20 1810 or 1820 Transmitter Remotes
- Fully Waterproof and rechargeable
- Will serve you for as long as possible
- Designed to help pet parents and their pets
- Innovating and Advancing Technology
Product Info for DT SYSTEMS H2O ADDON Receiver Collar
The DT SYSTEMS H2O ADDON Receiver Collar is available with your choice of Black, Orange, or Green collar straps. Black is recommended if you need to replace the original collar/receiver that came with your H2O system. Orange and/or Green are recommended to expand your H2O PLUS unit to a 2-dog or 3-dog system.
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